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I Am Going To Miss You, Osama

May 3, 2011

Having an image to serve as the face of terrorism was convenient and focused us on a specific evil. Now that he’s gone, we have some redefining to do. This is good for us, because we are reminded that the people that would harm us are faceless masses, not just that “guy.”

His, um, eradication, is bringing up some surprising issues. What should be a really unifying development has actually been deeply polarizing. Who would’ve thought a common, universal American objective could have massive bipartisan repercussions? There are the gleeful and the contemplative. There are those who use this somehow as a platform to despise the president further. Well, I’ve said too much. I’m getting close to political tirade, and I promise to (almost) always avoid that. Back to my title. There are a few things I’ll miss about Osama. They are:

1. Braiding each other’s hair.
2. Watching Seinfeld reruns together.
3. Canning fig preserves together.
4. Jazzercise.
5. Clothes shopping. I could never get him out of his comfort zone. Robes, robes, robes.

Typical American infidel chatter. 🙂 God bless Osama’s brittle, infinitely cranky (understatement of the year), gloomy soulless soul. The world is a better place today. Now can’t we all just get along??

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One Comment
  1. Hell's Belle permalink

    So, what? You cannot have “Followers” on your blog? That blows.

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