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2! 4! 6! 8! We Don’t Want To Integrate!

May 5, 2011

In the horribly depressing book, “When Rabbit Howls”, multiple personality patient Truddi Chase convinces her psychiatrist to allow her to keep all 80+ personalities separate by wearing a t-shirt printed with the above sentiment. He lets her, and she ran around for the rest of her life being whoever she was at the moment. You never knew who you were getting with Truddi. People who do that without a mental illness are called two-faced. Not pretty.

I’ve worn lots of different faces, but mainly just two. I really am an uplifting and outgoing person who loves to encourage others and be a great friend. My other side is wicked and bawdy. I like to tell yucky jokes and say nasty things. I’ve spent my whole life trying to keep my Pollyanna face well clear of my Bluto face.

I’ve heard lots of people (especially women), say that turning 40 gave them a major feeling of freedom, a willingness to extend a slight eff you to the propriety that had restrained them. I’m there. I’ve decided to smash it all togather into one place, be one person all day long, for every person I encounter. I used to have a secret blog that I wrote anonymously and I’ve dropped it, because that choice is inauthentic (barf). So, this blog is somewhat about looking for acceptance for my whole person. Let me know what you think. Surely, I’m not the only person who has lived this way.

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  1. Hell's Belle permalink

    Baby, we ALL live that way. Some people are just not conscious of it or don’t rebel against it, embracing more of the evil than good. And I am with you on aging. At 35, I’m like a fucking honey badger. I don’t give a shit. Love it or leave it is what I always say.
    I am glad you are embracing your WHOLE self, because ALL of it is wonderful and I LURVE you!

  2. Bluto is the name of one of my cats, so this takes on a whole new meaning for me

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